“Scientific studies increasingly confirm what human beings across cultures and throughout time have long recognized: we are wired for art. The arts in all of their modalities can improve our physical and mental health, amplify our ability to prevent, manage, or recover from disease challenges, enhance brain development in children, build more equitable communities, and foster well-being through multiple biological systems.”
This is true for all human beings regardless of disability. This is why an Arts Center dedicated to providing access to adults with disabilities will create a community of belonging for all who value the arts.
This statement by Veronica Franklin Gould about her program VeronicArts states clearly what I hope the Julian + Brent Arts Center will bring to Tucson:
“Imagine a world where people experiencing dementia had support in the community right from the word go. Where a word from their GP could unlock the creative spark that would inspire them, help them to stay lucid and to communicate with their loved ones. A world where dance, beauty, music and more opened up to them and helped them to override the stigma of dementia. This is what we hope to help make possible ……”